Missing Piece Blog

ABA Audits: Is Your Practice Ready?

Health insurance companies use audits to ensure clinical and billing requirements are met. Even if an ABA provider is taking all the necessary steps to ensure that they are compliant, a health insurance company may still trigger an audit to ensure no issues are found.    An audit may be stressful for the owner of an […]

How To Reduce The BCBA Insurance Billing Burden

Board-certified behavior analysts (BCBAs) provide guidance and structure to people with conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder — often spending a significant amount of time and effort working closely with patients. Adding administrative burdens to their day-to-day work, such as BCBA insurance billing, is not the best use of their time, talent, energy, or focus. […]

ABA Therapy Billing Codes

Treatment for autism with ABA therapy (Applied Behavioral Analysis therapy) has come a long way. The billing and coding have also changed significantly in the last ten years. The initial medical billing codes were undefined, leading to unreliable coverage and reimbursement. To create a standardized set of ABA CPT codes, the American Medical Association (AMA) […]